Big Time Support
for Small Credit Unions
"Let’s Succeed Together!"
Are you a small credit union struggling to keep up with the competition? Fear not! Firefly Consulting is here to help you start and complete big projects with confidence, ensuring your relevance and success in the market.
Our Core Services
Step One 1
Contact Us Today!
Don't delay your Credit Union's Success due to a lack of resources when you can RENT the help you need!
Step Two 2
Customize Your Plan
From exploration to accomplishment, we are here to help you every step of the way.
Step Three 3
Achieve Success!
Together, we will drive your projects to success!
The time for change is now!
Our services are designed to adapt to your present needs and collaborate with you for future success!
Specific program expertise includes:
Scienaptic AI Automated Underwriting
Jack Henry Symitar Episys
Enhanced Loan Application (ELA)
Meridian Link LPQ Loan Operating System
Meridian Link Application Portal
Advanced Reporting for Credit Unions (ARCU)
Working With the Best Credit Unions and Partners
Recent Projects Include
In house credit card program
Credit card competitor research (local and national)
Rewards program
Debit card processor and network
A2A transfer options
P2P transfer options
External Loan Payment
Debt Protection, GAP, and Warranty vendor conversions
Core Conversion
LOS (Consumer and Mortgage) Conversion
Scienaptic AI (automated underwriting)
MeridianLink LOS automated underwriting
ELA and EMA (LOS and new account software)
MeridianLink Opening
Estate and Will planning services
Wealth management services
Youth accounts
Business suite products including small business lending
Core efficiency optimization
Training and development (webinar and one-on-one coaching)​
Procedure development and revision
Policy development and revision
Website audit
Website CU competitor and Forbes top website analysis
Website recommendations for revisions and partnership with web developer
Website support and HTML programming
New member onboarding initiatives (positioning SEGs, software)